
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shedding Light on the Dreamers: MYLifestyleMude

Name of Company or Brand:

What do you specialize in or have to offer?

MYLifestyleMude specializes in offering our audience a taste of Miranda and Yvonne's personal fashion likes and lifestyle. We want to inspire our readers who may be in a fashion rut and give them inspiration to wear that bright pink skirt or vintage blazer. We offer store and designer spotlights on where to buy items, trends of the moment, makeup and beauty advice, and styling tips on how to wear various pieces. We want our readers to know that having a fabulous style doesn't require a celebrity bank account, but it does require confidence and fearless to wear any type of clothing. Fashion is your own definition, it's not written in a book. You are what you make it...you put the spin on it and make it as creative as you want. We want our personal styles to motivate others who have doubts.

What inspired or led you to pursuing the Dream?

MYLifestyleMude literaly started overnight! We thought it would be a good idea to share with others our own fashion likes and what we like to wear when we go out. We both have a passion for fashion and collect all the StyleWatch and other fashion magazines, so we thought "Why not?" At the time, our style was very "safe," but we are so happy that we have evolved and come into our own styles. Fashion is your own definiton, not written in a book. You make it what you want. We want our readers to appreciate what we like and what works for us. It will then give them the confidence to pull off something they may have never worn.

Did you triumph over your goals? and what's next in store for your company?

Of course every blogger wants to be that "it" blog. We know we have ALOT more work to do. It is coming together slowly but surely. We are happy with it's success so far, but we are not settliing. We are continuing to get feedback, and get inspiration from everywhere to increase our readership. We hope to eventually branch out and offer styling services for our readers, open our MYLM Shop where people can buy items from our closets, continue to do bigger and better giveaways (maybe some swag bags just because), lots more, but we can't give away all of our secrets! People will have to follow us and continue reading.

Stay in contact with the beautiful ladies of MYLifestyleMude:

Website: http://www.mylifestylemude.com/
Info: info@mylifestylemude.com
Twitter: @MYLifestyleMude

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