
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Saying of the Week

"When life teaches you lessons... be smart enough to learn from them"!-Vfrig

My thoughts about the saying:
We as humans go through certain lessons everyday, Its life! Instead of taking these struggles as something negative, take them as a positive and learn from them in order for them to not happen again. These lessons help you grow into a better person and become wiser. Remember God doesn't put you through anything that you cant handle!

1 comment:

  1. amen!!....adversities come and go..they are a part of life.they can def be hard to deal with, unfair and hurtful but they all happen for a reason.we can choose to learn a valuable lesson from them or choose to sit and mope around abt it..its always best to deal with em..learn from em and take it and use it to become a stronger/wiser person in life.
